Kumquat and Carrot Agua Fresca

¡Buenos días! As your Easter preparations are underway, I’d like to share a refreshing recipe that will give you just the right boost of vitamins A and C. This kid-friendly agua fresca is sure to delight the little ones and the Easter bunny. As for the adults, just add a splash of vodka or tequila to take the edge off before the holiday madness. Consider this your liquid chill pill.

2 large carrots, scrubbed, rinsed, and roughly chopped
15 unpeeled kumquats
1/3 cup agave syrup or cane sugar
6 cups water


  1. Blend carrots, kumquats, agave syrup, and water oh high for 60 seconds.
  2. Strain through a fine-mesh sieve into a large pitcher. You may need to agitate the mixture to let the juice through; avoid pushing through the pulp to keep juice light in consistency. Discard or compost pulp.
  3. Garnish with carrot ribbons and kumquat slices (optional), and serve over ice.

Note: If you do not have access to kumquats, use three peeled tangerines.

For a fun adult-friendly Easter cocktail, check out Sweet Life Bake’s Carrot Margarita recipe. Love kumquats? Check out my recipe for Kumquat and Vanilla Bean Jam.






Lola Wiarco Dweck

Lola is a Mexican-American recipe developer, writer, and cooking instructor who loves sharing her culture with the world. Growing up in California and spending summers in Mexico, Lola celebrates her family’s Mexican recipes and vibrant culture through Lola’s Cocina.

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